Thunderbirds 2086 was one of my favourite childhood cartoons mainly because being a little bit like Thunderbirds meant Dad tended to watch it with me (though he's more of a Supercar
man). I've long been intending to do something on the site about the
show but faced with some resources consisting of the 1983 Grandreams
annual and about half of the episodes I've never felt particularly
confident doing much. I'm not even sure why the show is set in 2086 when it was broadcast in 1982 (Japan) and 1983 (USA), though it didn't hit the UK until 1986. For one thing I'm not sure of the origins of the series. Oh, I know that it's a dubbed version of Scientific Rescue Team TechnoVoyager (the last often Romanised as TechnoBoyager). But I've heard two completely different origins of the dub. One is that Jin Productions basically ripped off Thunderbirds,
which was shown in Japan; indeed, the initial import of diecast Dinky
toys to support the thing inspired the Japanese toy industry to eschew
tin and vinyl in favour of diecast and ABS, thus leading to basically
the entire content of this site in a chaos theory way. The original show
itself was probably a considerable influence on the likes of X-Bomber (brought to the UK as Star Fleet).
That the vehicles carried 'TB' was a pure coincidence due to the
Romanisation thing. Incidentally, diecast wizards Popy did plan to
release combining toys of the TB vehicles but unforgivably only got as
far as a prototype - a drool-inducing picture of this beautiful unicorn
can be seen to the right. 24 episodes were made, though the show was
cancelled after only 18 were screened. ITC then found out and presumably
by hook or by crook acquired Western rights, did an English dub,
slapped the Thunderbirds trademark all over it and broadcast it
in the West in 1983 - I'm guessing it was shown elsewhere but it only
seems to be in Blighty that it made any sort of impact. The
other option is that it was made completely with the co-operation of
ITC (but not Gerry Anderson) as a co-production with being an update of Thunderbirds
being planned from the start. To me that would have the advantage of
passing Occam's Razor if it wasn't for wondering why Jin didn't use the Thunderbirds
brand in Japan. Maybe someone else had already licenced the name and
they had to broadcast it, or maybe they wanted to distance themselves
from an old show. Could be anything, I'm no scientician. Anyway,
the series itself - beyond the chest-pounding title sequence which used
early computer animation and employed the single greatest voice over in
the history of anything - isn't actually great shakes. The starring
players are pretty off the shelf types, including the head of
International Rescue Organisation's nephew Skipper fulfilling the child
association role (read as: you'll really hate him) and the usual
touchstones for this sort of thing (impossibly good looking hero, crazy
black guy, grumpy but fair team commander, spunky girl, space cowboy).
Mainly they face the same sort of ecological and man-made disasters as
the Tracy family did back in the sixties while there are also some
genuine bad guys in Star Crusher and his Shadow Axis. Their arc was cut
short with the show's cancellation, however, and in the dub at least
there's very little sign of a real over-arching storyline.
show has never been released on DVD, possibly for copyright reasons or
just as likely due to a lack of interest. Various episodes were issued
on VHS in the UK during the late 1980s through to about the mid-1990s,
though never systematically and often jumbled on budget compilations
with pukka Anderson stuff. Thus
the episodes below are VHS (or maybe even TV) rips uploaded to YouTube. As
mentioned Grandreams did put out an annual for the Christmas market in
1983. It's pretty cobbled together. The strips were actually made in-house while most of the colour images are clearly
grabbed from colour spreads in the same books and often blown up far
too much - the incredibly grainy, fuzzy character models being the prime
victim. It's main plus point is that it can be found cheaply if you
shop around. So
that's about the extent of my knowledge on the show. Here are all the
episodes I have. If anyone has a complete set please let me know, though
I suspect that's only likely if the whole lot (it seems ITC did dub and
broadcast all 24) did get a video release.
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